Meta tags or other name meta keywords in Blogger are the top searched search engine optimized words. You can add to your website post that you use to make a blogger post about. Add SEO keywords in blogger using code. Google and other search engines removed the code keywords crawling algorithms. Now it’s so hard to rank without using keywords on the blogger post correctly. How to add keywords in a blogger post is done by adding them to the post, label, meta description, and title.
Read: How To Use Keywords In Blogger: Improve SEO
Learn step by step how to add SEO keywords in Blogger posts. The below list highlights the full procedure for adding target keywords to your Blogger website.
- Add Keywords In the Post Title
- Use Keywords throughout your Blogger Post
- Add a keyword In the meta description
- Use correct Keyword Related labels
- Add Long-tail Keywords In The Post URL
- Use Keywords in Image ALT tags
How To Add SEO Keywords In Post Title
keywords in Blogger are easy to use for better optimization. The title is the priority when we consider using keywords. Titles tell all about the post and it’s very hard to rank in a title that doesn’t have the focus keywords people use in search engines. Using the keywords in the title headings is very important. To use them in an optimized way for better SEO it’s better to use the long tail keywords that don’t take the title away from what people search for in search results.
How To Add SEO Keywords in Blogger Posts
This is the second most vital activity to enhance blogger website SEO by using keywords in the posts paragraphs, headings, and quotes to enhance the keyword density which increases the optimization of your website. It’s also important that you don’t stuff your post with keywords since that will kill your Blogger post SEO since the post won’t be readable. Remember both humans and search engine robots are monitoring your posts.
Read: Complete Guide To SEO
How to Add SEO Keywords in the meta description
The meta description is a small excerpt from the whole blog post. What is inside the blog posts is what is summarized in the meta description. If you add the wrong meta description in your posts then you may receive negative SEO outcomes since it will reduce your click-through rate and people won’t appreciate what is inside your blogger post since what they want is not in the meta description. What people search for are the keywords and that’s what you should well explain in your meta description.
Read: How to Add SEO-Friendly Meta Description To Blogger