The way you design your blogger & WordPress blog becomes the stepping stone to the amount of time people will take on your blog. The best way to give value to your audience is by attracting them with Blogger theme colors in the mobile browser address bar and desktop views to prevent them from leaving. Every feed that corresponds to the theme colors decreases the bounce rate. Hence High-quality Theme Color in the body and mobile browser address bar increases SEO. The topic covers all browsers including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and web apps.
Designing your theme color in a blog depicts the way people will relate to your blogger & WordPress blog. I like the way people’s websites use the top bar of mobile browsers corresponding to their website color. The setup is so easy with only one line code implementation that will automatically change your blogger & WordPress mobile browser address and theme color at once. I know you are interested in taking a look at how the mobile browser address bar will look with color.
Mobile Browser Color Before and After
Let’s take a look at different website blogger theme colors in the mobile browser top bar to see how ours will look like at adding them. You will notice all successful websites have set their theme color to the mobile browser top bar.
Mobile Browser Address Bar Color
To do this on your WordPress or blogger blog you have to know your template theme color that appears the most so you can major on it. If you know the color of the website that appears the most except white, then it would be great to use the mobile browser bar to correspond with the colors. Mostly it’s advisable to use the color in the browser navigation menu items or most top bars so it can be written to. S an example I have attached my Blogger news website with a purple theme and I used the mobile browser address bar theme color to spice it up. Choose The Colorful HTML Code For your Mobile Browser Address Bar.
How To Set Mobile Browser Address Bar Theme Color
It’s time for time to add the Blogger and WordPress Mobile Browser Address Bar Theme Color. It’s as simple as adding a meta tag in the head section of your word press or blogger blog. You need to add a <meta> tag in your <head> containing name=”theme-color”, with your HEX code as the content value. For example:
<meta name=”theme-color” content=”#999999″ />
You need 3 meta tags to support Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone
<!– Chrome, Firefox OS and Opera –>
<meta name=”theme-color” content=”#4285f4″>
<!– Windows Phone –>
<meta name=”msapplication-navbutton-color” content=”#4285f4″>
<!– iOS Safari –>
<meta name=”apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style” content=”#4285f4″>
How To Add Mobile Browser Address Bar Color In Blogger
Step 1. Log in to Blogger and choose your website to add the SEO code.
Step 2. Reach out to the left commands by navigating them to the Template command.
Step 3. Click on the template command and locate the Edit HTML next to Customize.
Step 4. Click anywhere in your code and then click on Ctrl+F in Windows or CMD+F in Mac.
Step 5. Search for <head>
Step 6. Just Below the Above code, paste the Meta code below.
Mobile Browser Address Bar Color In WordPress
Step 1. Log in to the WordPress admin panel.
Step 2. Reach out to the add code panel. NB You can add a plugin to input code
Step 3. Add the above code in the head section.
You can change the HTML color tags and then visit your website after adding the code. It’s very simple and easy to set up. eg: #efefef
How To Change Browser Bar Color in Safari
Set the apple-mobile-web-app-capable mobile browser meta tag to yes to turn on standalone mode. For example, the following HTML code displays web content using standalone mode.
<meta name=”apple-mobile-web-app-capable” content=”yes”>
You can change the appearance of the default safari status bar to either black or black-translucent. With the black translucent, the status bar floats on top of the full-screen content, rather than pushing it down. This gives the layout more height value but obstructs the top. You require the following code:
<meta name=”apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style” content=”black”>
Let me show you what it will look like when implemented.
I hope you liked the tutorial and the easy steps. If you encounter any challenges in How to Set Blogger and WordPress Mobile Browser Address Bar Theme Color, just comment on the issue or even contact me so I can get in touch with you at any time of the day. Continue doing all for SEO.
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