Welcome to Joecalih’s advertisements page. Advertise by getting value from well-layered out of Ad spaces. Premium Ad Sponsorship: The 728×90 ad appears at the top of every page (even on the main page). There’s only one available. Animation is allowed but no Flash. Pricing for the unit is $200 per month. Get 100% of the impressions with Banner Ads. Reach us to secure a sponsorship ad, email us or Contact Us. Pricing for the unit is $500 per month.
Embedded Ad quarter Sponsorship: The 300×150 ad also appears on every page, in the right position (even also on the main page). There are only five ads available. Advertise your product, Brand, or even your content and videos you get 100% of the impressions. Animation is allowed but no Flash. If you’re interested in securing a sponsorship ad, Email us or contact us for more. Pricing for the unit is $300 per year. Hyperlink In Content: A word in a road website that links to your website. You choose which word you want to link. Pricing for the unit is $75 per year.
Bottom Advertise Scraper Sponsorship: The 728×90 ad appears on the end bottom of one page. You choose which one you find best. There’s one only ad board available. The bottom advertisements space packed for both large and detailed adverts can be a great Advertise alternative for conversion. Animation is allowed but no Flash. If you’re interested in securing a Bottom Ad sponsorship ad, Email us. Pricing for the unit is $500 per year.
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We do not inflate or fake our page views by making robots or people click many pages to read the content on our website. Joecalih also doesn`t buy cheap traffic to jack up our prices. This is why we have fixed flat pricing for you. Rates are net and subject to change. We hope you have found the right size of ad space reserved for you. Whenever you want to reach us for advertising, our doors are always open on the contact page joecalih.co.ke, we also reserve the right to refuse advertising campaigns/creative it deems inappropriate.
Phone Number: +254717771900
Email Address: info@joecalih.com